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Over 40 Years' Proven Performance
In 1969 Ernie Bransden designed and patented a miniature electronic ignition that was a fraction of the size and far more efficient than any of its competitors. Since that time various electronic ignitions and manufacturers have come and gone, but Boyer Bransden have been in constant production. Today, Boyer Bransden produce one of the most efficient ignition systems in the world. All systems are carefully hand built in the UK and we pride ourselves on supplying hardy products that last.
The Advantages of Electronic Ignition

Electronic ignition is now standard for the majority of new vehicles. It offers better starting, smoother running, improved fuel economy and lower emissions when compared with more traditional systems.
On certain types of older or high mileage vehicles, wear in the distributor may affect the timing and cause a falling away of performance, whilst sparking at the points burns the contacts and wastes energy.
Some classic vehicles suffer from "fragile" electrics which may be affected by vibration or dampness, often an electronic ignition system will eliminate these problems allowing the machine to be used with greater confidence and to its full potential.
Legislation against pollution is set to become even tougher. Electronic ignition systems allow most of the available energy to reach the spark and offer more complete combustion. As such, they are an important and simple weapon in the war on pollutants, helping to keep classic machines where they belong - out on the road, not in museums!

Tel. 0044 (0)1622 730 939